Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Treatment

Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Bed bugs survive by feeding on the blood of humans and animals, utilizing a long beak-like structure to pierce through the skin. Although they are not known to transmit diseases to humans, their bites can result in itchy welts on the skin.

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs are small, flat insects that are usually brown in color. They’re approximately the size of a small ladybug and have a flattened appearance. When they feed, they become engorged and plump. While bed bugs cannot fly, they possess impressive speed and agility. They can swiftly crawl across various surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceilings, floors, and more. Their ability to scurry quickly allows them to navigate their surroundings with ease.

Where do bed bugs come from?

Bed bugs are often unwittingly brought into homes through various means such as clothing, luggage, and used beds or furniture. If you happen to purchase second-hand clothing or furniture, it is crucial to thoroughly inspect these items for bed bugs before bringing them into your home. Additionally, it is advisable to promptly wash any newly acquired clothing to minimize the risk of bed bugs making themselves at home.

Hotels, motels, and apartments can be common breeding grounds for bed bugs due to the constant influx of people. When staying in such accommodations, it is wise to conduct a thorough inspection between the mattress and box spring for any signs of bed bugs. Furthermore, keeping your luggage elevated off the floor can help prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride.

One telltale sign of bed bug infestation is the presence of dark spotting and staining on the mattress caused by their droppings. You may also come across bed bug eggs, egg shells, shed skins, or even the bugs themselves. Keeping an eye out for these indicators can help you spot a potential bed bug problem early on.

Remember to exercise caution and remain vigilant in checking for any signs of bed bugs to prevent them from taking up residence in your home or disrupting your travels.

Life Cycle of A Bed Bug

Most Effective Bed Bug Treatment

During the inspection, our trained inspector will pay close attention to areas where people commonly sleep. This encompasses mattresses, bed springs, bed frames, footboards, headboards, couches, and other furniture located within 10 feet of a bed. Once the inspection is complete and we have thoroughly evaluated your bed bug issue, our inspector will discuss the available treatment options with you and provide a detailed quote. We believe in providing transparent and informative guidance to address your specific bed bug concerns.

Small Town Pest Control is equipped to offer professional bed bug inspection, bed bug extermination, and on-going bed bed control. Our trained technician will be able to determine the best bed bug treatment for your home or property which may include a one-time treatment or multiple treatment options based on the severity of the infestation.

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