Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Beetles

Beetle Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Beetles

More Than 25,000 Types Of Beetles

While not all 25,000 types of beetles livein Georgia and some are harmless, beetles can be a common pest problem in Georgia. The state is home to various beetle species that can cause issues in various ways:

Beetle: The Agricultural Pests

Georgia’s agricultural industry may encounter beetle pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, which can damage potato crops, or the Mexican bean beetle, which affects bean plants. Other beetle pests that can impact agricultural crops in Georgia include cucumber beetles and corn rootworm beetles.

Beetle: The Structure-Damaging Pests

Some beetles, like powderpost beetles and old house borers, can infest and damage wooden structures in Georgia. These pests lay their eggs in wood, and their larvae tunnel and feed on it, potentially leading to structural damage.

Beetle: The Stored-Product Pests

Beetles like flour beetles, grain beetles, and pantry beetles can infest stored food items in homes, grocery stores, or food processing facilities. They can contaminate grains, cereals, flour, and other stored products. See more information on this problem and related stored-product pests.

Saw Tooth Grain Beetle

Sawtooth grain beetles, scientifically known as Oryzaephilus surinamensis, are small insects that belong to the family Silvanidae within the order Coleoptera, which includes beetles. These beetles are commonly considered pantry pests because they infest and feed on a variety of stored food products.

Characteristics & Info About Sawtooth Grain Beetles

  1. Size: Sawtooth grain beetles are very small, typically measuring between 2 to 3.5 millimeters (0.08 to 0.14 inches) in length.

  2. Appearance: They are brownish-black in color and have distinctive sawtooth-like projections on the prothorax (the segment just behind the head), which gives them their common name.

  3. Habitat: Sawtooth grain beetles are found in various stored food products, including grains (such as rice, wheat, oats, and corn), cereal products, flour, nuts, and dried fruits. They can also infest pet food, birdseed, and other similar items.

  4. Behavior: These beetles feed on the inside of the grains or seeds, causing damage and reducing the quality of the stored products. They can reproduce quickly in favorable conditions, and their presence in stored food can lead to contamination and spoilage.

  5. Life Cycle: Sawtooth grain beetles undergo complete metamorphosis, which includes four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The entire life cycle can be completed in as little as one month under ideal conditions.

It’s important to note that sawtooth grain beetles are just one of several pantry pests that can infest stored food products, including others like rice weevils, flour beetles, and Indian meal moths.

While the prevalence and impact of beetle pests may vary depending on the specific region and environmental factors, it’s important for residents and businesses in Georgia to be aware of these potential beetle pest problems and take appropriate pest management measures to protect their property and stored goods. Consulting with Small Town Pest Control can provide valuable guidance in addressing beetle infestations effectively.

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Did You Know Ladybugs Are Beetles?

Ladybugs, also known as ladybird beetles or lady beetles, are a type of beetle. Despite their common name, “ladybug,” the more accurate term is actually “lady beetle.” These charming little insects are harmless to humans and are often adored by people who aren’t fond of other bugs. Their distinctive appearance and bright colors make them quite endearing to many.

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