Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Centipedes & Millipedes

Centipede & Millipede Pest Control

Centipede Insect Control
They Are Both "Creepy Crawlers"

When most people think of the creeper crawlers of the insect world, centipedes and millipedes are usually at the top of the list.

Identifying The Insect

Centipedes and millipedes can be distinguished by their physical characteristics and behavior. Centipedes have a long, flattened body with one pair of legs per segment, extending sideways to give them a hump-backed appearance. They move quickly and have long antennae.

Millipedes, on the other hand, have a long, cylindrical body with two pairs of legs per segment, positioned directly underneath. Their movement is slower compared to centipedes, and they have short antennae.

Centipedes are carnivorous, feeding on insects, while millipedes are detritivores, consuming decaying plant matter. These distinguishing features can help identify and differentiate between centipedes and millipedes, but it’s always advisable to consult an expert for accurate identification. 

Does A Centipede Bite?

Yes. When threatened, centipedes may bite with their pincers, while millipedes curl up and release irritating substances. Centipede bite – more accurately, a centipede pinch can cause localized pain, swelling, redness, and in very rare occasions, can cause lymph node swelling, numbness, difficulty breathing, and other severe symptoms.

Getting Rid Of Centipedes & Millipedes

Rest assured, our goal is not only to eliminate the immediate centipede or millipede problem but also to implement preventive measures to ensure those persistent pests don’t come back. We’ll work closely with you to address any concerns and provide expert advice on long-term centipede/millipede control and prevention strategies. Trust in Small Town Pest Control to handle your pest problems with precision and expertise, no matter the species involved.

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Centipede and Millipede Pest Control

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