Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches & Wood Roaches

Roach Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Cockroaches
Don't Walk. Scurry To The Phone Now!

A cockroach problem needs to be addressed quickly and without hesitation. If you see one, chances are there are MANY more lurking within the walls, under the floors, and in various hiding spots throughout your home.

Cockroaches are quite common not only in Georgia but all around the world. They have a preference for indoor environments that offer ample food sources, such as restaurants, houses, apartments, warehouses, hospitals, and offices.

These resilient insects thrive in unsanitary conditions, and unfortunately, they can create such conditions within your home. Cockroaches leave behind unsightly stains and emit unpleasant odors on any surface they touch. Moreover, they pose a significant risk of food contamination and can even taint eating utensils.

Due to their long history of evolution, cockroaches have become highly adept at survival, making them quite challenging to eliminate with readily available over-the-counter methods. It is advisable that you contact Small Town Pest Control now so that we can eliminate your cockroach problem quickly.

Identifying The Insect

Cockroaches can be identified by their medium to large size, ranging from about 0.5 inches to 2 inches in length, with a flattened oval-shaped body. They have long antennae that are usually as long as or longer than their body, and most species possess wings, though not all are capable of sustained flight.

Cockroaches are typically brown, reddish-brown, or dark brown in color, with spiny legs adapted for rapid movement. They are nocturnal insects, known for their quick movements and may leave behind dark droppings and emit a distinctive musty odor. 

Facts About Roaches

  • Cockroaches can transfer e. coli and salmonella
  • Cockroaches can produce 120-320 eggs in their lifetime
  • Cockroaches can grow up to 2 inches long
  • Cockroach feces emits a musty or oily odor
  • There are about 4,000 species of cockroaches
  • Most cockroaches have wings but not all fly
Roach Problem

Types of Cockroaches

There are over 4,000 types of cockroaches. Here are the most common types:

German Cockroach (Blattella Germanica)

German cockroaches are small in size and light brown or tan in color. They are one of the most prevalent cockroach species and are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas with a consistent food source and warmth.

American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana)

Also known as the “palmetto bug,” American cockroaches are one of the largest cockroach species. They are reddish-brown in color with a distinct yellowish figure-eight pattern behind their head. American cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments, such as basements, utility rooms, and sewers.

Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis)

Oriental cockroaches are dark brown or black in color and have a shiny appearance. They are commonly found in damp and cool areas like basements, crawl spaces, and drains. They are often associated with a strong, unpleasant odor.

Brown-Banded Cockroach (Supella Longipalpa)

Brown-banded cockroaches are smaller in size, with a light brown or tan coloration. They have distinctive brown bands across their wings and abdomen. These roaches prefer drier environments and are often found in higher locations like ceilings, upper cabinets, and furniture.

Smokybrown Cockroach (Periplaneta Fuliginosa)

Smokybrown cockroaches are dark brown to black in color. They are larger than German cockroaches and have fully developed wings. They are commonly found in outdoor areas like trees, mulch, and attics, but can also enter structures in search of food and shelter.

Do Cockroaches Bite?

Yes. Cockroaches are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they can consume a wide variety of food sources including plants and meat. While they primarily feed on decaying organic matter, they have been known to exhibit cannibalistic behavior and consume human flesh.

However, it’s important to note that such instances are relatively rare and typically occur when cockroaches are in an environment with limited food sources. When it comes to human flesh, cockroaches are more likely to nibble on fingernails, eyelashes, as well as the extremities like feet and hands.

Their bites can result in irritation, lesions, and swelling. While the majority of bites cause only minor discomfort, there have been isolated cases of minor wound infections resulting from cockroach bites.

It’s crucial to take prompt action if you suspect a cockroach infestation to prevent potential health risks and seek professional assistance to effectively eliminate these pests.

On-Going Cockroach Control

Rest assured, our goal is not only to eliminate the immediate cockroach problem but also to implement preventive measures to ensure those persistent pests don’t come back. We’ll work closely with you to address any concerns and provide expert advice on long-term roach control and prevention strategies. Trust in Small Town Pest Control to handle your cockroach problems with precision and expertise, no matter the species involved.

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