Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Earwigs

Earwig Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Earwigs

Earwig Infestation

These creepy critters love damp areas like bathrooms and basements. They also seek to destroy plants, fruits, and flowers. Keep them out of our home with a pest control plan from Small Town Pest Control.

Identifying The Insect

Earwig bugs can be identified by their elongated and flattened bodies, measuring about 0.5 to 1 inch in length. One of their most distinctive features is a pair of curved pincers, or cerci, located at the rear of their abdomen. These pincers resemble forceps or pinchers. Earwigs may have two pairs of wings, with the front wings being short and leathery, and the hind wings folded underneath. However, some species are wingless. They commonly have dark brown or reddish-brown bodies and long, slender antennae.

Earwigs are often found in dark and damp environments such as gardens, mulch beds, under rocks, and in rotting wood. While they occasionally venture inside homes, particularly in basements or bathrooms, incidents of them crawling into human ears are extremely rare.

Problems Caused By Earwigs

Firstly, earwigs can cause significant damage in gardens by feeding on plants, fruits, and flowers, leading to economic losses. Additionally, their occasional intrusion into homes through openings or open doors and windows can be unsettling and cause discomfort.

Indoors, earwigs may congregate in damp areas like bathrooms or basements, becoming a nuisance. The appearance of earwigs, with their distinctive pincers and dark coloration, can also evoke fear or revulsion in some individuals.

Do Earwigs Bite?

Earwigs technically do not bite. They may pinch if provoked. The pincers of an earwig serve as a defense mechanism. When an earwig is handled or provoked, it may employ its forceps in self-defense. However, it’s important to note that earwigs do not sting or bite like insects with stingers or biting mouthparts.

While adult males may have larger forceps, even their pinch is typically painful but does not break the skin. It’s crucial to understand that earwigs do not inject venom through their pincers, so their pinch is not comparable to a venomous sting. 

On-Going Earwig Control

Small Town Pest Control will work with you to minimize harborage sites and will treat them appropriately to minimize the return of earwig pests.

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Pest Control of Earwig Bugs

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