Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Flies & Gnats

Fly & Gnat Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Houseflies
Want 'Em To Buzz Off? "Gnat" A Problem.

Houseflies, fruit flies and gnats are an annoying nuisance and can land on exposed food and surfaces, potentially transferring bacteria or contaminants to you, your family, and your pets. Let Small Town Pest Control help your flies and gnats BUZZ OFF!

Identifying The Insect

Common Housefly

The common housefly is a small to medium-sized insect, measuring around 6 to 7.5 millimeters in length. It has a compact, robust body with a slightly oval shape. Houseflies have two transparent wings that enable them to fly, and their body color is typically gray or dull black, sometimes with a subtle metallic sheen. Their large compound eyes cover most of their head, providing them with a wide field of vision. You’ll often notice houseflies buzzing around and landing on various surfaces, including food, garbage, and feces.

Gnats (No-See-Ums)

Gnats, on the other hand, are generally smaller than houseflies, usually measuring between 1 to 5 millimeters in length. They have delicate, slender bodies and two pairs of transparent wings. Gnats can come in different colors, but they are commonly gray, black, or brown. These tiny insects have long, slender antennae that are more noticeable compared to houseflies. Gnats are known for their erratic flight patterns and are often found swarming around areas with decaying organic matter or moist environments.

It’s important to note that the term “gnats” can refer to various small flying insects, including fungus gnats, fruit flies, or biting midges. Each type may have slight variations in appearance and behavior. By closely observing their size, body shape, wings, color, antennae, and behavior, you can gain a better understanding of whether you’re dealing with common houseflies or specific types of gnats.

Do Houseflies Bite?

No, the common housefly (Musca domestica) does not bite humans. Houseflies primarily feed on liquid substances, such as nectar, plant sap, or decomposing organic matter. They do not have biting mouthparts designed to pierce the skin and extract blood like mosquitoes or fleas.

It is important to note that houseflies can still be a nuisance as they may land on exposed food or surfaces, potentially transferring bacteria or contaminants as they land from place to place and are usually attracted by rotting organic matter (including feces). While they do not bite, it is still recommended to keep food covered and maintain good hygiene practices to minimize the presence of houseflies and prevent any potential contamination.

Do Gnats Bite?

Yes, some types of gnats in Georgia, specifically biting midges (also known as no-see-ums), can bite humans. Biting gnats are tiny flying insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. Their bites can be irritating and cause discomfort, leading to redness, itching, and potential swelling at the site of the bite. These bites are often more noticeable during dawn and dusk when gnats are most active.

Most Effective Fly Treatment

Once we’ve identified the fly species, we’re equipped with the knowledge and expertise to effectively tackle your housefly or gnat problems, regardless of the species involved. Whether you’re dealing with common houseflies invading your kitchen or biting gnats in your outdoor living space, we’ve got you covered. Our technicians have the necessary tools, techniques, and treatments to provide a tailored solution for your specific fly infestation.

On-Going Fly Control

Rest assured, our goal is not only to eliminate the immediate housefly or gnat problem but also to implement preventive measures to ensure those persistent pests don’t come back. We’ll work closely with you to address any concerns and provide expert advice on long-term fly control and prevention strategies. Trust in Small Town Pest Control to handle your fly and gnat problems with precision and expertise, no matter the species involved.

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Gnats and No-See-Ums

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