Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Moths

Moth Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Moths
Mysterious Holes in Clothes or Furniture?

Have you noticed holes in your clothing or furniture? Or maybe you’ve opened a container of flour and discovered that little critters have invaded your pantry? This could be a sign of a moth problem in your home.

Identifying The Insect

Clothes Moths

These moths are small and usually pale in color, ranging from cream to light brown. They prefer dark, undisturbed areas like closets and drawers, where they lay their eggs. The larvae are the real culprits as they feed on natural fibers like wool, silk, and fur, causing damage to clothing and fabrics.

Pantry Moths

Pantry moths, also known as Indian meal moths, are about half an inch long with a wingspan of around one inch. They have distinctive markings on their wings, usually a combination of gray, bronze, and copper. The larvae of pantry moths infest stored food products like grains, cereals, dried fruits, and pet food. You may notice webbing and small caterpillars or cocoons in your pantry or kitchen cabinets.

By being aware of the appearance, behavior, and preferred habitats of these common moth pests, homeowners can better identify and address infestations promptly. If you suspect a moth problem in your home, it’s advisable to call Small Town Pest Control company to accurately identify the species and implement effective control measures.

clothe moth

Most Effective Moth Treatment

Once we’ve identified the moth species, we’re equipped with the knowledge and expertise to effectively tackle moth problems, regardless of the species involved. Whether you’re dealing with clothe moths invading your closets or pantry moths causing ruining stored food items, we’ve got you covered. Our technicians have the necessary tools, techniques, and treatments to provide a tailored solution for your specific moth infestation.

On-Going Moth Control

Rest assured, our goal is not only to eliminate the immediate moth problem but also to implement preventive measures to ensure those persistent pests don’t come back. We’ll work closely with you to address any concerns and provide expert advice on long-term moth control and prevention strategies. Trust in Small Town Pest Control to handle your moth problems with precision and expertise, no matter the species involved.

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