Small Town Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Stink Bugs

Stink Bug Pest Control

stink bug in Georgia
A Smelly Little Home Invader & Garden Destroyer

If you’ve ever smelled a stink bug, you know how foul these little critters are. Now imagine them taking up residence in your home! With a pest control plan, Small Town Pest Control can help ensure your home is spared from these stinky pests.

Stink Bug Infestation

Dealing with a stink bug infestation can be a real hassle and cause a lot of frustration for homeowners. One of the most annoying things about these critters is the awful smell they give off when they’re disturbed or squashed. It’s like a pungent odor that lingers in the air and makes your home smell really unpleasant. And let me tell you, having these stink bugs crawling around your house can be downright irritating.

They seem to show up out of nowhere, creeping along walls, windows, and ceilings, making you feel like you’re sharing your space with unwelcome guests. And it’s not just your home they target—they love wreaking havoc in your garden too. These pesky bugs love to feast on your fruits, vegetables, and plants, leaving behind unsightly blemishes and damage. Plus, they have this annoying habit of invading your space at specific times of the year, like during the fall when they’re on the hunt for cozy places to spend the winter. It can feel like they’re taking over and it’s a constant battle trying to keep them out.

And here’s the thing, getting rid of these stubborn stink bugs isn’t as easy as swatting them away. They have these tough, shield-shaped bodies that make them resilient to your attempts at removal, which can be super frustrating. Oh, and let’s not forget the mess they leave behind. When they get agitated, they release this yellowish substance that can stain your walls, curtains, and furniture, adding to the headache of dealing with them. It’s enough to make anyone feel exasperated.

But fear not, Small Town Pest Control has your solution! We will conduct a full inspection and ensure preventive measures like sealing entry points and using screens can help keep them out. We’ll tackle the stink bug problem head-on, providing targeted treatments and effective solutions to eliminate these pesky pests once and for all. So, hang in there, relief is just a phone call away!

how to get rid of stink bugs

On-Going Stink Bug Control

Small Town Pest Control will conduct a full inspection and suggest sealing of entry points and identify where screens may be used to help keep stink bugs out of your home.

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We’re not just the local “bug man.” We’re also not the pest control franchise that will only treat you like an account number. We really care about your pest control problem. We’re also your neighbor! Your family can trust that we will resolve your pest problem – with a smile.

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